A God Who Delights
The Most Holy Trinity
Proverbs 8:22–31 / Psalm 8:2a / Romans 5:1–5 / John 16:12–15
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
We begin and conclude most of our efforts to pray with the simple words “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Many times a hurried gesture accompanies these words, touching forehead, chest, and each shoulder. But think for a moment about that gesture that makes a cross on our bodies, as it moves from mind to heart to the width of our bodies. Reflect on those words. How often our familiarity with this action can become a rote gesture and a hurriedly mumbled phrase.
The mystery of the Trinity is central to our faith. Our God is one yet three, three yet one. No matter which way you say it, the mystery doesn’t become any more comprehensible or less baffling. At the heart of this mystery is the reality of our loving God who created our world and all the worlds beyond ours, who has given us generous access by the gift of faith in Jesus Christ, and who has poured divine love into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, the first gift to us at Baptism.
What can possibly make sense of this? I would hold up one phrase from today’s readings for meditation. Divine Wisdom speaks of herself as being the Lord’s delight while creation was taking place, playing before the Lord day by day. Then there is that beautiful conclusion when Wisdom says, “And I found delight in the human race.” God’s Wisdom delights in us! Can we return the favor?
- Do you think of God as taking delight in the works of creation, salvation, and sanctification?
- How does having “God’s love poured into your heart” lead you to take delight in God?
Responding to the Word
God of creation, you sent your Son, Jesus, to bring us fullness of life, leading us into communion with you through the Holy Spirit. May we be a source of delight for you, and be worthy of the creation you have entrusted to our care. We thank you for all that has been, is, and will be.