A Meal Rich in Blessing
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Genesis 14:18–20 / Psalm 110:4b / 1 Corinthians 11:23–26 / Luke 9:11b–17
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
While the first reading sounds like an ancient forerunner of the Mass, even including a collection, what it really presents is a post-battle victory dinner, hosted by Melchizedek, with Abram giving the king and priest some of the spoils won in battle. Even so, the heart of this reading is Melchizedek blessing God over bread and wine and asking a blessing for Abram.
We then hear Paul speak about his handing on the tradition he received, recounting the meal Jesus shared at the Last Supper before he was handed over to suffer and die. Bread was broken and named his body; the cup of wine was shared as a sign of the new covenant to be enacted through the shedding of his blood. In doing this throughout future generations, the community would pro
claim Christ’s saving death until his return.
The multitude Jesus once fed with a few blessed loaves and fish now has become the people of God, a people of faith, also having suffered through the centuries, ever hungry for the living bread and thirsty for the saving cup, anticipating the banquet we shall share in the kingdom.
This meal continues to make Christ present as priest, as sacrificial offering, and as food that nourishes his body, the Church. Whenever we participate, we join with Christ, our head, and with all who have preceded us, giving praise and thanks for all blessings to the Father in the power of the Holy Spirit.
- What does the presence of Christ in the Eucharist mean for community life?
- How does this meal that nourishes us relate to the hunger in today’s world?
Responding to the Word
We give you thanks, loving God, for the nourishment and strength we continue to receive in this sacrament of the Eucharist. Keep us aware that we live in a world hungry for food that strengthens the body and food that nourishes the spirit. Impel us to respond to the needs of your hungry children.