Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

For God who spoke through the prophet Ezekiel, the people of Israel, carried off into Babylon, had become dead inside. They had lost hope during the decades spent in exile. So God raised up a prophet, Ezekiel—one of the strangest of the prophets—who not only had strange visions but did strange things.  Ezekiel certainly got their attention. In this vision of dry bones lying in the valley,  returning to life is a gradual process: first the sinews, then the flesh, then the skin,  and, finally, the breath that is the spirit of life. God will bring the people back to life and bring them back home.

The promise of Lent is that God’s spirit can bring us back to life, to fullness of life that is available to us because of the saving death and resurrection of Jesus.  Addressing her hurt and loss, Jesus says to Martha: “I am the resurrection and  the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who  lives and believes in me will never die.” Then, the challenging question: “Do you  believe this?” 

Lent leads us to professing a faith that is life-giving. Do you believe in God the  Father almighty? Do you believe in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord? Do you believe in the Holy Spirit? Are you ready to answer? The good thing is that we answer as a community, as a body, supporting each other in faith. We hold each other up by our faith. 


  • Have you ever experienced a time where you felt dried up, all inner life gone, all spirit sapped? 
  • What does it mean to say: I believe that you, Lord Jesus, are the resurrection and the life? How does it make a difference in your life? 

Responding to the Word

Lord Jesus Christ, we approach the end of Lent, preparing to celebrate the new life you will pour into those being baptized. Stir up in them and in all of your people the fire of faith that we might proclaim you as our resurrection and our life at the Easter feast.

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