Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

For many people, the end of the Christmas season carries a touch of sadness.  Joy gives way to January. The liturgy, however, turns our attention to the work that lies at the heart of the mystery of the Incarnation. This feast of the Lord’s baptism is the final feast of the Christmas season, serving as a bridge from Christmastime to Ordinary Time. It presents Jesus as God’s “beloved Son.” His baptism placed  Jesus on the road of his mission: to reveal the Father and to begin to bring about the kingdom of God in the world. 

Our first reading helps us understand Jesus’ mission in light of an unknown  Old Testament figure called the Servant. The book of the prophet Isaiah contains four poems called the Servant Songs: 42:1–7; 49:1–7; 50:4–11; 52:13–53:12. These songs speak of a servant on whom God has poured God’s spirit to be God’s agent in the world and bring justice to the nations. The Christian community hears these songs in light of Jesus. St. Paul likewise quoted an early hymn (Philippians  2:5–11), singing of Jesus as one who emptied himself, taking the form of a slave,  becoming obedient even unto death on a cross. 

Our baptism brought us into the Body of Christ, setting us on the path of continuing Jesus’ mission. When the Holy Spirit came upon us, we became God’s beloved children in Christ and the mission of Christ, which is the mission of the church, became our mission. 


  • Do you connect your baptism with your work in the world? 
  • What can you do, as part of the church, to bring God’s justice to the world? 

Responding to the Word

Good Father, you have sent the Holy Spirit upon your people to serve the world by working to bring about the victory of justice. Give us the strength to persevere in this work and do not allow our zeal to break any bruised reed or quench any smoldering wick. Let us do our work in gentleness, kindness, and peace.

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