Called to Be True
First Sunday of Lent
Genesis 2:7–9; 3:1–7 / Psalm 51:3a / Romans 5:12–19 or 5:12, 17–19 / Matthew 4:1–11
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
In the fourth century A.D., Christianity became legal and then mandatory. To “follow Jesus” grew to be a soft way of life. Anybody and everybody could (and then should) be a Christian. Within one lifetime, the faith that had required its followers to be willing to be torn apart by lions now became “good for business.” What happened as a result? Men and women, turned off to a tamed Christianity, flocked to the Egyptian desert. In the desert, they shed the “fat” of mainstream acceptance. They strove to be pure and obedient and true in their faith. Desert monasticism flourished.
Jesus also was led into the desert. The Judean desert is stark. No trees offer shade. The sun beats down mercilessly. Ninety-five degrees is a cool day in May. For forty days, Jesus’ hunger intensified. If he had any fat on his body, it shriveled up. Three times he was tempted to take the easier path. Three times he stayed true to his mission and to his God: I will love the Lord alone!
Adam and Eve didn’t think that they needed to do what God told them. When found out, they tried to evade the One who sought them in love, like a guilty toddler hiding behind the couch crying out, “Don’t look at me!” They squirmed away from right and wrong.
As you and I move into this season of Lent, what does it mean for us to be true to God? The world around us may tempt us to be soft: lies and posturing and deceit proliferate in our culture and even in our Church. Lent is the season to grow more holy, our time to go to the desert. This is our ascetic season. This is our opportunity to strip away the fat that weighs down our spiritual and moral life.
- King David is called to truth by the prophet Nathan (2 Samuel 11—13). He cries out, “O God, create a pure heart in me. Give me a new and steadfast spirit!” What does it mean to you to be true? What tempts you to take a “softer” path?
- As we come before God in prayer, is there some part within us that wants to hide behind the couch and not be seen?
Living and Praying with the Word
Lord, sometimes we squirm away from obedience. You call us to look you straight in the eye and remain steadfast in following you, no matter the cost. But sometimes it is more comfortable to go the softer way. When we are tempted to disregard what our conscience tells us is right, fill us with the strength to stand fast. As we enter into this Lenten season, strip away the fat that encases our spiritual and moral life. Give us the grace to follow you more purely.