Christ is Risen! Let’s Dance!

Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of The Lord

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

In her grief and uncertainty, Mary of Magdala is heavy of heart and slow of foot: she “comes” to the tomb, looking. She does not understand. Jesus is dead. Gone. Dead. Truly dead. 

On this early Easter morning, what are you and I looking for?  Like Mary, we too can be heavy of heart and slow of foot. A twelve-year-old girl asked me recently, “If Jesus is really God, why doesn’t  he just fix all the bad things?” In the pre-dawn uncertainties of our day, we too do not understand. 

But then the Gospel begins to pick up speed as the sun rises: watch the feet. Mary of Magdala sees the stone rolled away from the tomb;  she takes off running. Peter and the other disciple come running. The younger man runs faster. When his sandals come back out of the tomb, they are dancing and boogying, hopping and frolicking—you can see it in his feet—the young man sees and believes! He knows!  Peter dashes in, too. He is amazed. Where could Jesus be? 

Watch the feet of a toddler. At the wonder of the first crocus, her whole body gets involved—her arms flap, her back sways, and her eyes radiate delight. Even before she is able to talk, she experiences joy; full of life, full of wonder—look at her face, her smile, her feet. 

Look at the natural world. A month ago, my yard looked dead— deep snow, bare twigs. Now the raspberry canes are popping with tiny green leaves. The soil is warming. Even the chickadees flit at the bird feeder—just watch their feet!

The beauty of the visible world leads us to the invisible One.  Candles, music, lights, movement—even the liturgy itself is like a dance. We sing “Alleluia!” Easter is real. Jesus is alive! 


  • The tomb is empty. The Lord is alive. Lent is over. Death and darkness and despair and uncertainty are not the final answer. What are our feet going to do today? This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Are you ready to dance? 
  • On this Easter morning, you and I are also looking for the certainty of faith. The darkness cannot and must not be our final answer. We are looking for the Son. Even though we cannot totally comprehend resurrection, where do you find tastes of new life? 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Jesus our risen Lord, you have been set free! Open the tombs of  our hearts so that we swell with your Easter joy. We thank you for  transforming us from the plodding of pre-dawn heaviness to this  moment when the sun comes up, when you are risen! Lighten our  feet so that we too start to dance and boogie, hop and frolic, with  the gift of certainty that you live. Glory to you forever and ever!  Alleluia!

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