Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Getting “dressed up” does not seem to happen so much these days. No matter where you go, garb tends to be casual—funerals and weddings excepted (usually!). Jeans have replaced the suit, T-shirts and crew necks stand in for the traditional shirt and tie, and sneakers sub for dress shoes. Gone are most occasions when getting dressed up was de rigueur

Today’s readings are as much a “dress-up” call as a wake-up call. Baruch calls on Jerusalem to dress up, replacing her robe of mourning and misery and putting on the splendor of glory: the cloak of justice and the headgear of glory. Her children are returning from exile, “borne aloft in glory on royal thrones.” God will see to arranging the rest of creation: mountains made low, gorges filled in, fragrant trees filling the air with their scent. 

And John the Baptist is calling on the children of Israel to dress up their inner selves by undergoing a baptism of repentance, receiving God’s forgiveness of their sins, and thereby providing God a highway into their hearts, a straight path with no obstacles impeding God’s entry in glory. Then, God will dress them with salvation and fullness of life. 

 Paul’s words bring it home. Advent is a time to prepare for the great feast of God’s incarnate love. God, made visible in Jesus Christ, at work in us since the day we were baptized in Christ, continues to come today, bringing God’s work one step closer to completion. 


  • How will you “dress up” for the coming feast? What needs to be taken off? What needs to be put on? 
  • What are you doing this Advent that invites the Lord to come in splendor? What needs to be filled in? What needs to be straightened? 

Responding to the Word

God who comes, help us hear your call to prepare for you to come into our lives. May this holy season set our hearts afire with the desire to put on the garments of truth and loving kindness so your light and love may come more fully into our world.

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