Fencing with God
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 62:1–5 / Psalm 96:3 / 1 Corinthians 12:4–11 / John 2:1–11
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
I read the first line from Isaiah: “I will not be silent . . . I will not keep still” and I burst with exasperation: “Come on, God! Do it! Talk a little more! If there was ever a time when we need you to show yourself, it’s now. Don’t be so silent! Don’t be stingy with your revelation. So many folks don’t feel that you are here, that you are at work in this world. Come on! Show yourself!”
Is it okay to have a fencing match with God?
I hope so. Jacob wrestled an angel for a blessing. Jeremiah rebutted that he was too young to be a prophet. Moses argued, “No, not really, send someone else.”
There are times, maybe, when we just want God to do something. Stop working so behind the scenes: “Come on, God!” Does Mary feel that way? Yes; she is the mother who does not sin, but she experiences emotion. Here at the wedding, she seems frustrated. She loves these relatives. She trusts how big-hearted Jesus is—surely he can do something! “They have no wine,” she says. Their repartee is like fencing: back and forth they go at it, like devoted old married folks who believe in their love. Mary does not let it go: Do something, Jesus!
Jesus’ response isn’t stingy. The wine overflows. Sixty gallons of the choicest drink pours forth. That abundance reveals his generosity in the first of his signs. Mary’s swordplay pays off.
I don’t often get an answer to my jousting with God. But as I was driving under a railroad bridge once, coming home from an appointment, I thought perhaps, maybe, I got a comeback? In my head, I heard, “Come on, Karla!”
Touché, God.
- Today’s reading from John runs on many levels, from the miracle story on the surface, to allusions to the generosity of God at baptism, to the overflowing richness of the heavenly banquet. On how many levels is God being revealed in our world right now? Are we seeing it? If we want the world to change, what’s our responsibility in helping that to happen?
- Is it okay to have a fencing match with God? Do you do that sometimes, too? Mary trusted that Jesus would respond. And he did, generously. What has been your experience? Has arguing with God changed something? If you don’t spar with God, what keeps you from getting into the fray?
Living and Praying with the Word
Living God, thank you for your generosity in my life. I don’t always remember it. I don’t always feel it. And I mourn for those who do not know you, who have not been overwhelmed by your love, who seem to walk all alone without seeing your support. They have no wine. I love them. It is for them I pray; it is for their sake that I wrestle with you. Show yourself to them.
And yes, I will get going, too. Help me. Show yourself through me. I know that I have much more loving and serving to do on this earth before I am done. I am willing to do it. Through your grace, God, well, let’s go make some wine!
Or maybe some tea?