God’s Ways, Not Our Ways
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Malachi 3:19–20a / Psalm 98:9 / 2 Thessalonians 3:7–12 / Luke 21:5–19
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
Theologians tells us that we have a God who speaks, a God who is by nature a Self-communicator. There is a symphony of voices through which the Lord of the universe sings to us—through the created world, through salvation history and the prophets of old, through the preaching of the apostles, through the Holy Spirit at work in our midst, and of course through the written saga of the Word-become-flesh, Jesus himself, as recorded in the scriptures. Our God is not silent.
Today, Luke gives us Jesus’ final end-times speech. Calamities and disasters will happen. Read the signs of the times in history and in the created world: earthquakes, famines, plagues! Persecutions, wars, and insurrections! Bad stuff. The end is coming. Be attentive!
There are times when we are more aware of our fallibility, our finitude, and our ability to break. In the northern hemisphere, November is such a month. The tree branches look lifeless. The sunflower stalks are in the compost bin. The Baltimore orioles have flown south. The daylight grows short.
We do not know the future. Jesus says not to presume that we do; we should not be deceived. Though God is always speaking, there are some things about which God does not communicate—not the when, not the how, not the where—of the world’s end or our own. About that, God is silent.
Malachi prophesies about the coming of the day of the Lord, in a blaze, on fire!
And yet, ironically, when that great and terrible day came, the Savior of the universe, slid through the birth canal of a young woman, in the most helpless way possible, to come into the world. Is there a heavenly sense of humor?
God’s ways are not our ways. We do not know what is coming.
- We understand some things. Yet there is so much more that we do not grasp. Who knows what is yet to come? How can we persevere and remain faithful, be attentive and stay strong in trust, even though we do not know?
- Bad things happen. But whether we live or die, no matter what darkness swirls around us, no matter how dire the situation, the Lord desires to shine through us like stars in the night sky. You and I are to be the blessing of God in this point of history. What does that mean for how are we to act? For how we are to pray? How can you and I grab onto that personal mission even more strongly as this church year draws to a close?
Living and Praying with the Word
Lord, you are the God of surprises. If we had known so many years ago what our lives would be like, would we have had the strength to walk forward into them? Thank you that you don’t show us the future either! But you do show yourself to us in so many little ways, right here and right now. You are full of amazements! Who would have guessed that you would have become flesh in the way that you did? Do you chuckle a bit at that? You are so good. Lead us to your eternal light, whenever and however that comes. Thank you, thank you, God of glory!