Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Sometimes the Sunday scripture readings pass by barely noticed. The words read don’t get inside, perhaps because we are preoccupied or worrying over something. But every so often the reader and the words read become one in a way that enters into our heart. One such moment is recorded in today’s first reading.
This scene took place over five hundred years before the time of Jesus. The reader was Ezra the priest, who was standing up on a platform in an open place in the city of Jerusalem. The magnificent temple built by Solomon had been destroyed in 587 BC and the people had been taken off into exile in Babylon. In 538 they had been allowed to return, and now, for the first time, they were gath
ered to hear their priest Ezra read to them the book of the law, the Torah. This book taught them how God had saved them and how God wanted them to live. The people listened for hours, tears running down their faces, as Ezra read and explained to them the meaning of the words for their lives. These words fell upon the hearts of the listeners, penetrating the thick and hardened covering that exile had created, eventually causing their tears to flow. The word of God had done its work, bringing them back to life.
Sometimes rebirth happens gently, as we heard today; at other times, God’s word functions as shock therapy.
- Can you remember a time when God’s word penetrated your being?
- Do you give God’s word any opportunity to make its home in you?
- Have you ever celebrated God’s word speaking to you by going to “eat rich foods and drink sweet drinks”?
Responding to the Word
Lord God, you have given us your revealed word as spiritual food to nourish your people, and to strengthen your church as the Body of your Son Jesus Christ. May we recognize and partake of this food when we gather at the table of the Word.