Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

God spoke through the prophet Ezekiel, promising to shepherd Israel (Ezekiel  34:11ff), so it is not surprising that Jesus himself used the image of the shepherd to speak of his mission. Nor was it surprising that the first mission of his apostles was described as being sent out to gather the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 10:6).  Going further, in his own ministry, Jesus reached out to those beyond the boundaries of Judaism, bringing healing to some Gentiles by exorcising their demons (Mark 5:1ff and 7:24ff). And the vision of Revelation reveals the Lamb as one who shepherds people of every nation, race, and tongue. 

The role of shepherding was given to Peter in the Gospels, while the example and letters of Paul certainly show his own acceptance of this role in the various communities of Gentiles. Today’s first reading presents Paul as the one who will be God’s instrument in bringing God’s light, Christ, to the Gentiles outside Israel through his preaching. The Greek word for “good” (kilos) used to characterize the shepherd does not refer to moral character—though that is certainly a necessary attribute of all shepherds—but this particular word indicates that the shepherd is one who is “good at” shepherding. This helpful distinction challenges all who are called to participate in ministry in whatever capacity, however small, that concerns the nurturing and care of God’s people. Competence and skill must accompany holiness and wisdom. When all these qualities are in play, there is greater certitude that the Church will have good shepherds. 


  • Have you experienced Jesus as a Good Shepherd? 
  • How does your calling to be a disciple involve you in the work of the Good Shepherd, caring for his lambs and sheep, being good at bringing others closer to God? 

Responding to the Word

Gentle Shepherd, continue to raise up good shepherds for your church. May all you have called to shepherd your people continue to be attentive to the guidance of your voice and follow your example in all that they do. Direct and protect our shepherds as they tend to your people.

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