Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

One quality is essential for being a disciple—commitment. When Elisha asks the prophet’s permission to kiss his parents good-bye, Elijah answers somewhat ambiguously, but Elisha realizes this is the hour of decision. He not only kills and cooks his oxen but burns the plow they came with, wiping out all connection to his past trade. There is no report on how his parents felt about this, but it signals  Elisha’s commitment. Eventually, it won him a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. 

Jesus outlines the fitness program his disciples must measure up to: an ability to live without the comforts of home, a freedom from any ties to family that might prevent preaching the kingdom of God, and the ability to live such a life with total commitment and without any regret. All this is the work of the Spirit within us, liberating us from what can hold us in place, unable to move and help bring  God’s kingdom into the world. 

When Paul talks about Christ setting us free for freedom, he too refers to casting off any yoke that could bind or enslave us. Like Jesus, Paul voices a call to live by the Spirit, that breath of God that blows us where it wills. The Spirit can free us from any inclination either to “bite and devour” another, as in calling down fire from heaven on them, or to be consumed by others who wish us harm. By surrendering to the Spirit, we will become fit. 


  • What kind of commitment have you made to be a disciple of the  Lord? 
  • How do you understand what it means to be free? Do some kinds of freedom end up enslaving you? 

Responding to the Word

Lord, we ask you for the freedom that truly frees us to love as you love, to have the mind that was in Christ Jesus, and to allow us to empty ourselves so you can fill us. Make us fit for the work of the kingdom through the gift of your Spirit.

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