Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

The feast of the Assumption offers hope. What has been done for Mary will be done for us. Our God, the Creator of all that is, has intended from the beginning that creation would share in the fullness of light and life. God’s purpose is to bring all creation into the life of the Trinity. 

Today’s readings are rich in images of being lifted up. In Revelation, we find the image of the child being caught up to God and God’s throne, safe from the threat of the dragon intent on devouring the child. Paul writes to the Corinthians that just as  Christ has been raised up, the first fruits, the beginning of the harvest, so too in him all shall be restored to life. And the Gospel gives us Mary’s great prayer, her only  extended speech in scripture, when she sings her song of praise to God: “My soul  proclaims the greatness of the Lord . . . (who) has lifted up the lowly.” 

The Assumption of Mary also lifts us up in hope. What has been done for her will be done for all of us who have been redeemed by Christ, if we commit ourselves to dying and rising with him. She is the mother of and model for all disciples. Her words at the Annunciation, “Be it done to me according to your word,”  began a life of surrender to God’s will. This yielding led to her being taken into the presence of God, where she prays for us in union with her Son.  


  • Can you see in this feast a promise of hope for all who are faithful to the Lord? 
  • Can you see a challenge to surrender to God, who will lift you into the fullness of life? 

Responding to the Word

Mary, help us to find Christ, knowing that when we “do whatever he tells you”  (John 2:5), we follow your example of surrendering our will to the Father. Give us the hope that springs from a trusting faith in the Father and shows itself in love for one another.

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