Open the Gate

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Being complacent means being pleased with yourself. The prophet Amos paints a vivid picture of a pampered people, lying on couches, snacking and sipping to soothing music, massaged into a state of lethargy. Then he lowers the boom: “Party’s over. Get ready for exile.” 

Jesus also paints a portrait of ongoing indolence. Rich Man lies on his couch,  dressed in luxuriant purple and soft linen, eating rich foods and drinking choice  wines “each day.” The problem is that he has become so anesthetized that he can’t move, not even to go out to the gate where poor Lazarus lies, smelly, starving, and sickly. Then, suddenly, death pulls down the curtain. Next scene: a reversal. The gate has become a gap, an abyss. Rich Man is on one side, Lazarus on the other. What is the point? If you enjoy this life, you will pay for it in the next? More that gates have an expiration date and we need to go through the gates life gives us now. The Latin word for gate is porta. The word opportunity comes from it. Every opportunity is a gate for entering into a world where we can make a difference. Who is on the other side can vary: a sick person,  a sore person, a helpless person, a poor person. 

And someone has come back from the dead to tell us this is our calling—Jesus,  Resurrection Man. There is always some gate nearby. Open it and look at what’s in front of you. 


  • Who is “outside the gate” in your life? 
  • When have you heard the voice of the Risen One call you to care for the poor? 

Responding to the Word

Lord Jesus, the age to come should start now. Now is the time to hear your word calling us to make this world a place of hospitality and gracious care for all. If we are complacent in any way, break through our indifference and move us to act.

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