Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Lent’s journey will take us to the celebration of the paschal mystery of Easter.  During these forty days we are invited into a space of sensory deprivation when we gather for worship: no flowers on the altar, no music for its own sake but only to accompany our singing, and no colorful banners that might distract us from the task at hand: to prepare our minds and hearts to renew our baptismal promises during the celebration. 

We will be asked both to renounce Satan and all his perks and promises and to place our wholehearted trust in God who created us, in the Son who redeemed us, and in the Spirit who dwells within us and enlightens us. Lent is a serious season but not necessarily a somber one; it is the waiting room for Easter joy.  One Lenten Preface (the priest’s prayer before the Holy, Holy, Holy) even speaks of it as a season that is a gracious gift from God, making us joyful because we are purified to celebrate the Easter mysteries. 

Just as Jesus was tempted throughout his ministry to turn aside from his mission, his followers will be, too. The three temptations speak to our own experience when we seek self-gratification rather than the glory of God. 

God’s word today calls us to make God our true nourishment, our true wealth,  our faithful source of strength, and the solid foundation of our trust. Paul’s bold proclamation to the Romans extends to us: the Lord enriches all who call upon him. All who call on him will be saved. 


  • Where do you want to find yourself at the end of this Lenten journey?
  • What temptation lures you to turn aside from having God and Christ at the center of your life? 

Responding to the Word

Lord Jesus, as you had the help of the Spirit to turn aside from the temptations that came to you during the time in the desert and the years of your ministry, help us to turn to this same Spirit to help us in our efforts to grow in faith, hope, and charity this Lent.

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