Praying for Justice
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Exodus 17:8–13 / Psalm 121:2 / 2 Timothy 3:14 — 4:2 / Luke 18:1–8
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Possibly this parable about the widow and the unjust judge was based on a real incident. Since Luke presents Jesus as having loyal women friends who traveled with him, this story might have come from one of them. It has a nice touch of humor when the judge admits he finally gave her justice out of fear she would bop him on the head.
Earlier in this Gospel, Jesus told another parable about being persistent in prayer (11:5–8), but here persistence is connected with a particular end: to persist in praying for justice. If a powerless widow’s persistence moves even an unjust judge to justice, how much more will the Father of Justice listen to the prayers of his children? Jesus’ words were held up to Luke’s community who lived in a hostile environment, encouraging them not to lose faith that God keeps all promises. Their fulfillment had already begun in Jesus’ resurrection and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Presumably, our first reading was chosen to present a weary Moses as one persisting in prayer with the help of Aaron and Hur. That this prayer results in Joshua’s successfully “mowing down” the Amalekites may not particularly inspire. More helpful is Paul’s advice to turn to scripture “for training in righteousness (justice),” especially keeping the psalms in mind. Today’s responsorial psalm reminds us that “our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” So persist in praying for justice; let not your hearts grow weary.
- What areas of injustice do you see in our world?
- Do you pray that God’s justice—understood as the grace to be in right relationship with God, others, oneself, and our world—come more fully into our lives and our world?
Responding to the Word
O God of justice, we ask that you send the Spirit to give us a greater dedication to bringing your justice into the world. Let our hearts not grow weary asking for this gift of the Holy Spirit. Strengthen our faith in the power of your grace to transform our lives.