Profile of an Easter People
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:27–32, 40b–41 / Psalm 30:2a / Revelation 5: 11–14 / John 21:1–19 or 21:1–14
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Each reading today calls us to live out our faith in the risen Lord in a particular way. Acts calls us to be courageous witnesses to Christ the Lord. The apostles have been hauled into court before the high priest and the other religious leaders of the Sanhedrin, the supreme religious council in Jerusalem. Peter argues that the Sanhedrin’s command to cease teaching about Jesus must yield to a higher call to witness in the Spirit whom the living God has given to them. In that same spirit, Pope Paul VI reminded us that the modern person listens more willingly to witnesses more than to teachers, and if he or she listens to teachers it is because they are witnesses.
Revelation affirms that the proper response to Easter is to give glory and praise to the Lamb and to God who sits on the throne. Augustine told us that we are an Easter people and alleluia is our song. Each Sunday we gather as worshipers. Worship of the Lamb leads to witness, which then leads to worship.
The final encounter in John’s Gospel is between Jesus and Peter. Jesus comes to Peter asking, “Do you love me?” then “Feed my lambs.” The witness of the Lord and worshiper of the Lamb is also to be a lover of the Lord’s little ones. All three of these activities flow from our baptism. All three are to be done not as solo activities but as part of the body of Christ.
- Do you see your call to be a disciple as including the call to witness, worship, and watch out for the lowly and the least?
- How does your faith community help you to live out your calling?
Responding to the Word
Strengthen us, Jesus, to witness with conviction to our faith in you as Lord and Savior. May the Holy Spirit lead us to praise and honor the Father through you all our days, and find clear expression in caring for your people by working for justice and peace for all.