Risen Lord, Gift Giver
Second Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:12–16 / Psalm 118:1 / Revelation 1: 9–11a, 12–13, 17–19 / John 20:19–31
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
One of the nicest things about the Easter season is that it has escaped much of the commercialization of Christmas. For most, the urge to shop is not part of this great feast. And when you think of Easter music, hymns, and hallelujahs come to mind; there are only a few Easter songs. Is there something about this feast so sacred that even the merchandisers have refrained from exploiting it?
At the same time, today’s Gospel reminds us that while we do not get caught up with gift-giving, Easter is still a season to remember the gifts unique to it, those the risen Lord brought when he appeared to the apostles hiding in the upper room behind locked doors. The crippling fear they suffered was released by these gifts.
First, he gives them peace (shalom), which stands for all God’s blessings that can enrich human life. Then he breathes the Holy Spirit on them—the great gift of the risen Lord, allowing them to offer God’s forgiveness to all who seek it. Finally, there is the gift of faith, the ability to believe without seeing, to read the signs God so generously scatters throughout our world. All these gifts are manifestations of the Spirit.
In our first reading, we witness the gift of the Spirit found at work in Peter healing the sick and delivering those “disturbed by unclean spirits.” And the Spirit is found in the visions given to John the Seer in Revelation, so we might have hope in God who has overturned the power of death.
- Have any of the Easter gifts mentioned helped you to see with the eyes of faith?
- Have you known Easter’s gifts—peace, forgiveness, healing, and hope—as able to free you from fear?
Responding to the Word
Risen Lord, you continue to come to us when we lock ourselves away from the world out of fear. Breathe upon us and send your Spirit to give us the courage to go forth and bring your gifts to others. We thank you for the gifts of the Easter season.