Saintly Scoundrels?

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

Scoundrels. We’re not supposed to like them. They’re not role models for moral living. They’re not heroes. But every once in a while, there’s a story that makes the edges of your mouth curl into a bit of a grin—not because what the rascal did was right, but from the cleverness of it all. 

The 2002 film Catch Me if You Can does that for me. It is based on a true story. Young Frank Abagnale, Jr. is a con man, a forger, and a trickster. Before he turns eighteen, he’s been a bank robber, a doctor, a lawyer, and a co-pilot for a big airline. He shouldn’t have done what he did. But it sure makes me smile at the cleverness of it all.

Did the corners of Jesus’ mouth curl into a grin as he retold today’s story? Rascal number one: the absentee landlord who charges outrageous interest (observant Jews loathed that kind of villain). Rascal number two: the steward who gives that wealthy villain his come-uppance: Re-write nine hundred gallons of olive oil owed as four hundred fifty? Yes, sir! Six hundred bushels of wheat?  Write down three hundred? Ha! Surely! Thanks! You can come over to the house for bread and wine any time! 

In Jesus’ day, taxes weighed heavily. Interest rates could be as high as fifty percent. Under the Romans, Jewish farmers were reduced to poverty, enslaved and sold or thrown into prison for non-payment. To forgive a debt was life-changing. This steward knew how to become a friend forever. He was prudent. Smart. Cunning. Still a scoundrel. 

We are not called to become scoundrels. But could we use our ingenuity to build the kingdom of God? Faithfully, in little things?  How could we wisely use our wits and our wherewithal to improve this world? Could we make Jesus grin too at the cleverness of it all? 


  • A third of Jesus’ parables talk about money. He had likely been a small businessman in a carpenter shop in Galilee; he didn’t disdain money or disparage making an honest living. Money was needed to feed one’s family.  But he did challenge his followers to keep money in its proper place: God is God, money is money. We cannot serve both. We can ask ourselves, where does my allegiance lie? What most tempts me to trust in possessions for my security rather than putting my faith in God’s providence? 
  • When times are hard, people get scrappier. When things are flush, there is not so much cleverness needed. People relax and don’t think or work so hard. Throughout history, great effort has gone into conniving and  cheating. Jesus knows human nature. He is not surprised by this. But  today he urges us, his followers, toward greater scrappiness: Come on! Be  clever! Be wise! How can you and I better use our God-given smarts and  shrewdness to build the Kingdom?

Living and Praying the Word 

Lord Jesus, you know that navigating a faithful Christian life is  tricky. You know the tugs and pulls that throw us off track. We need money. You know we do. We need to eat. We need to put shoes on  our children. We need a roof over our heads. You know we do. These  things are gifts that you have given to us. Help us not to place the gifts  before you who are the Giver. Help us to cling only to you. Keep us on  your straight path and never let us stray. In this world of temptations, Holy Spirit, keep us focused, keep us pure, keep us sharp. For you.

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