Serving Till His Last Breath

Palm Sunday of The Passion of The Lord

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

That last night could not have been easy. At supper, Jesus knows his end is approaching, with much suffering, after being betrayed by someone he has loved,  now sitting at the table. He knows Simon will deny him three times. And he has to face an argument that breaks out among the disciples—again!—over who is the greatest. But Jesus patiently reminds them that service will win them a place in the kingdom. It will take a visit from the Spirit for this message to sink in. 

From the cross we see how faithful Jesus himself is to this call to serve all. Only in Luke’s Passion does Jesus speak these words we hear this Palm Sunday. His first word is a prayer of forgiveness. Looking around at those mocking him and jeering at him, he prays: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” His  second word comforts, responding to the request of the thief on his right: “Today you will be with me in Paradise.” And his final word, addressed to God, serves us: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,” teaching us how to die trusting God. 

Three times Pilate declares Jesus innocent. This judgment is further reinforced by the Roman centurion saying: “This man was innocent beyond doubt.” The word innocent literally means one who does no harm. More than that, until his  last breath, Jesus is the savior who does only good, who serves, bringing forgiveness, replacing fear with the promise of paradise, and showing all that God can truly be trusted. 


  • Which of the three “words” that Jesus speaks from the cross serve you most? 
  • Does the Passion of Luke call you to serve in any way? 

Responding to the Word

Lord, even in your last hours, you teach us to serve those whom God brings into our lives, even those who do not treat us well. May we be quick to forgive,  quick to respond to those in great need, and quick to entrust our lives to the  Father. May your prayers be ours.

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