Something’s Coming
First Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 2:1–5 / Psalm 122:1 / Romans 13: 11–14 / Matthew 24: 37–44
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
The musical West Side Story was revived in New York City recently. The first song is “Something’s Coming.” Tony, a young man, senses something wonderful approaching but he does not know what. That very night he will meet Maria and fall in love. On the cusp of this new world opening up before him, he sings about his heightened sense of anticipation that something miraculous is about to happen, and it’s just out of his reach.
It is that kind of excitement that today’s readings are meant to evoke in us. There is something wonderful coming in our future—something no eye has seen or ear heard, something that God has ready for those who love God. But have we stopped looking forward to “something coming”? Have we given up on the hope that something new is coming, that a miracle is due, and at any moment, possible?
Jesus calls to us across the centuries in Matthew’s Gospel, at a moment when he is about to enter Jerusalem to die. He calls on us to live in hope that at any moment God’s rule can be experienced, that the peace that only God can give will touch our lives and suddenly settle on our hearts and minds.
How can we prepare for this sudden coming of God’s presence? Try to live consciously aware of what we proclaim every week in the liturgy: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.
- When was the last time you looked forward to something in a way that made you feel fully alive, alert, and awake?
- Do you believe that the day is coming when God will reign, bringing all nations to live in peace and harmony?
Responding to the Word
We pray every week: “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Pray it daily as if for the first time. Ask God to allow the kingdom to come to your family, to your workplace, in your neighborhood, among the people of your city, country, and world.