St. Paul’s Five-Step Program
Third Sunday of Advent
Zephaniah 3:14–18a / Isaiah 12:6 / Philippians 4:4–7 / Luke 3:10–18
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
St. Paul’s letters always offer practical advice, flowing from whatever particular teaching he offers. Today’s second reading contains a series of suggestions on how to live joyfully in Christ. They can be heard as independent statements. But consider Paul’s words as offering a program for “rejoicing in the Lord always.”
First, he advises, “let your kindness be known to all.” This advice reminds me of a bumper sticker: “Commit random acts of kindness.” In today’s Gospel, John the Baptist’s call for repentance offers some concrete forms of living kindly. “If you have two cloaks, share one with someone who has none,” he says to the crowds. He then advises tax collectors not to use their office to gouge the people, and he advises soldiers not to bully or blackmail.
Paul’s second “step” calls us to keep aware that the Lord is near. Our God does not abandon us, even though we have times we might not feel God’s presence. Remember the words of the risen Lord: “I will be with you always, even to the end of time” (Matthew 28:20).
Paul’s third word advises us how to keep aware of Christ by turning to him whenever anxiety threatens to overwhelm us, and uniting our prayers with his as we make our requests known to the Father. When this is done, steps four and five follow, when peace will “guard your hearts and minds,” and out of this peace joy will flow joy as a gift of the Spirit.
- When have you known joy in your life? Is it the same as happiness?
- Are you able to make your requests known to God?
- Have you asked for the gift of joy from the Holy Spirit?
Responding to the Word
God who created all things and who sent Jesus to be with us until the end of our days, hear my prayer this day that I may know the joy of the risen Lord. Give me an awareness that the Lord is indeed near, and send the peace that surpasses all understanding into my heart.