Team “Light for the World!”
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 58:7–10 / Psalm 112:4a / 1 Corinthians 2:1–5 / Matthew 5:13–16
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
My husband and I are season ticket holders for Notre Dame women’s basketball. What we really like to watch is how the players work together as a team. Because women are generally shorter than men, they cannot just run down the court solo and slam the ball into the hoop. They have to work together. Women’s basketball is a team sport.
In today’s reading, Jesus is talking to a team. In the passages “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the world,” the “you” is plural. It might be more accurately translated with a southern accent as “y’all are the light of the world.” We are to be a team. We are not tall enough to knock the lights out of “darkness” by ourselves. We have to work together. The Christian life is a team endeavor.
In the readings for the last several weeks, St. Paul has been berating the Corinthians for their lack of solidarity: You fight over privilege and power! You fight over food! You look first to your own interests! Is this Christian team behavior? He can’t change them through persuasive arguments. He points them to the cross of Christ who models for “y’all” a new way to live.
We are called to be a team. How do we conquer the darkness together? Isaiah says, share food with the hungry. Clothe the naked. Satisfy the needs of the wretched. Then, when we (plural) call for help, “the Lord will answer, ‘Here I am’.” Then our light will rise like dawn out of darkness. Our fans in the stands, the saints of heaven who have played this game before us, will cheer as the lights come up; they will “give praise to our Father” and shout out to us, “Go team!”
- Sometimes the darkness feels too great. We cannot overcome it by ourselves. Do you ever get discouraged? Where might the Lord be leading you to become a part of a team that makes a difference in this world?
- We are to be a team that is light for the world. On any team, some sit on the sidelines and others actively contribute. Are you willing to train hard enough to get into the game? What spiritual exercises do you need to take up to be stronger?
Living and Praying with the Word
Angels and saints in heaven, pray for our solidarity. Even in the Church, we struggle to play and pray together. But in the battle against the darkness, we need each other, all players on the field. Father, Son, and Spirit, you are one. Strengthen us so that we look past our differences and learn to work together to be one as you are one. Help us be light for the world and salt of the earth, to your glory and praise. St. Paul, pray for us as you prayed for the Corinthian community.