Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

From the beginning, spreading the word about the kingdom of God was at the top of Jesus’ priority list. He began his own ministry preaching that the kingdom  of God was near, indeed, “at hand.” The good news of God’s presence in the world was the primary work given to his apostles when he sent them out. Later,  as Luke records, Jesus sent out seventy-two others. And after he had risen, he commanded all disciples to do this until the end of time. 

Jesus’ directives to the seventy-two are still practical: travel in twos, travel light, don’t dawdle, bring peace with you, don’t fuss over accommodations, eat and drink what is offered. Their work was to heal and preach. If there was no interest, move on. One might wonder whether more could have been accomplished if they had not been paired up, but anyone who goes out armed only with the gospel realizes how good it is to have companionship in this important work. 

Pope Benedict XVI is calling for all Catholics to participate in a “new evangelization,” one marked by a new ardor, new methods, and new expressions.  Consider ardor; it means having zeal, fire, passion. Ardor flows from joy. The Church’s joy as the new Jerusalem comes from knowing we are saved by Christ’s death and resurrection. By our baptism we are part of a new creation. Now is our time to witness to Christ, sharing our faith in Jesus, and knowing he is with us, as the head of his Body, the Church.  


  • Do you accept the calling to be one who witnesses to the gospel and participates in this mission of the Church? 
  • Does your love for Jesus Christ enable you to talk about him and what he means to you, when the opportunity presents itself? 

Responding to the Word

Loving Lord Jesus, you continue to ask us to go forth and bring word about the living God you taught us to call Father, the God who loves us as a mother who wishes to comfort us. Fill us with your Spirit, who gives us courage and commitment to the message of the gospel. 

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