The Spirit Moves in Mysterious Ways

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

Once upon a time there was a gift of the Holy Spirit called Worry.  Worry’s job was to nudge people to pray. In the power of the Spirit,  Worry unsettled parents so that they would pray constantly for their children who might go astray. He stirred up concern in friends so they would lift their hands in prayer for a pal who was sick. He needled a widow so that she rose up and incessantly badgered an unrighteous judge. He inspired Aaron to hold up Moses’ hands lest their people die in battle. He stayed small at the service of the Holy  Spirit. Worry did good work that glorified God. 

One day, the Tempter came by and said, “Worry, you don’t need to be so small. Grow big.” 

“How do I do that?” Worry asked. 

“Stop leading them to pray,” the Crafty One said. “Make them think they are all on their own. Get them to drop their hands and  abandon the thought that Someone cares or might be listening or  wants to act on their behalf.” 

Worry set out to become big. He led people into a puddle of anxiety and left them to muddle there. He taught them to turn into themselves and believe that their own mindfulness could handle the troubles of life. He helped dedicated followers to be proud of their identity as Worriers. He encouraged publishers to exalt him and craft stories in ways that would lead folks to him. Worry grew big and full of importance. 

What happened? Blood pressures skyrocketed. People over-ate and over-drank and self-medicated in hazardous ways. They could not handle how big Worry had gotten. Some people even died. 

“Oh dear.” Worry began to worry. “I did not mean for this to happen. No one knows me as a gift of the Spirit anymore. Lord,  could I be small again and just serve you? Please, God?”


  • Many people pray most fervently when they are worried. Concerns about family, health, injustice, and danger inspire us to lift our hands for holy help. What is your experience? When do you pray most persistently? What  kinds of troubles make you badger God? How does the Holy Spirit use  worry to lead you to pray? 
  • An old adage says that “Worriers are called to become prayer warriors.”  What happens when we worry and don’t allow the Holy Spirit to lead us to  prayer? In what kinds of puddles do we muddle? Take one of your worries  each day this week and “offer it up.” Go ahead, don’t be afraid; pester the  most righteous Judge with it. 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Jesus, what a friend we have in you! You are not an unrighteous  judge who does not care. You want us to bring our needs to you. You  will not let our feet slip. You guard us from all evil. You are always  beside us. Here is my worry: ________. Thank you for that worry,  which leads me to continually lift my hands to you. Do not let the  Tempter lead me to abandon your holy help. 

And Holy Spirit, could you, would you, make Worry small once  again, please?

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