The Urge for Cleanliness

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

Sometimes a small thing can jolt a memory. I was startled one morning to discover that my COVID-19 bar of soap was gone. That brown-and-tan–striped soap bar had grown paper thin. I rubbed my hands together with it after breakfast and . . . it was gone.

For six weeks, I remember scrubbing my hands raw with that bar of soap. My hands had to be clean. Immaculate. Germ-free. The coronavirus with which I was infected must not pass on to my
husband or to others. My hands had to be clean. Sterile. Spotless. It was urgent. It mattered.

Today, we celebrate that urgency for cleanness. Pure, true, immaculate—these are attributes of the Most Holy One. God is good. That statement sounds clichéd, but it is urgent. It matters: God is good. True. Pure. Holy . . . Good.

Since the earliest days of the church, the Incarnation has been urgent—that this good and holy God should become human? Oooh. With the people of faith throughout the centuries, we bow at that mystery. Who, then, was the young woman chosen to be God’s mother? It was urgent that she be made holy in order to house the Holy. The Mother of God had to be unstained from the beginning, clean
and immaculate. Today we celebrate that. Mary is the new Eve, a startling counterpoint to the sordidness that has infected the human race. She is good. Clean. Pure.

That gives hope for you and me. God’s plan is to open the way of holiness to us as well. The viruses of life can pollute our lives. But the Spirit of God can fill us with the determination to grow toward goodness. We have to be holy. It is urgent. It matters. God is good. The pure of heart will see God. We want to see God. Come, Holy Spirit, Sanctifier, Purifier, scrub us clean!


  • Sometimes the world feels dirty. Do you ever get tired of hearing lies and
    deceptions in the news, the planting of stories designed to sway you and
    public opinion? Where is wholesomeness? Where is goodness? Millions
    of dollars have gone into research into how to change people’s habits
    and minds. It can become manipulation. It can pollute us. Whom can
    we believe? In this Advent season, we seek to turn away from dirt, to be
    washed clean, to start anew. What is one concrete thing that we can do this
    week to make that happen?
  • When has God’s mercy freed you to see God present in your life?

Living and Praying with the Word

O Jesus, help us! You said, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” We want to be pure of heart. We want to see you. As we celebrate this day of purity, help us to think about our habits and our way of life. Transform us so that we can live more simply and more purely. You call us to holiness. You call us to wholesomeness. Cleanse us from the dirt that clings so closely. Turn us away from
sin. We want to follow you, you who are good and holy and pure. Wash us so we that we live in a way that is close to you.

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