Wham! It’s the Holy Spirit!
The Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 40:1–5, 9–11 / Psalm 104:1 / Titus 2:11–14; 3:4–7 / Luke 3:15–16, 21–22
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
He called from his basement bedroom, “Mom, something ran over my blanket in the night!” “It’s fine, go back to sleep,” I called back. He moved upstairs the next night and slept on the living room floor. Again he called, “Mom, something ran over me!”
There was something. It was making noises in the house. My daughter pointed. “Mom, there’s something above the curtain.” I looked up. Two little round eyes looked down at me. We could not catch it. But it was there.
For several days, we heard little noises. I heard a rattle in the cupboard. I opened the door. Suddenly, springing from among the cups, a flurry of motion buzzed my head and stopped on the stairway behind me. I turned around. I saw it. A flying squirrel stared at me from the fourth step.
In today’s story of the baptism of Jesus, we often overlook the third character in this story. We clearly see John the Baptist and Jesus of Nazareth. But the Holy Spirit is here as well, breaking in, doing something new. Were there noises in Jesus’ life before his baptism by John? He had many hidden years that we know nothing about. Then suddenly—wham!—the “dove” of the Holy Spirit—whoosh— buzzes past his head! And his ministry begins.
Why does God work like that? The Holy Spirit is quiet, silent, maybe making a few little noises, then you turn the corner and whoosh! Wham! Something happens.
The author of Titus must have experienced it, too. In today’s reading, he writes of a bath of rebirth and renewal. Strikingly, he uses the Greek word “gushed out” for the way the Spirit moves. Gushed out. Whoosh! Rebirth and renewal happens.
This new year of 2022—is the Spirit rattling around in your house?
- Sometimes we turn a corner and whoosh! There is God. For some it comes early in life. For others, a major transformation comes in early midlife, as the baptism was for Jesus. Some may hear the noises of the Holy Spirit for many years and have no idea who that is until a very late age. It can be like turning a gradual corner. It can be abrupt, like a flying squirrel buzzing your head. How have you experienced God transforming you and your life? What has that been like?
- We don’t know the “when.” We cannot catch the Spirit’s presence, but there it is, nevertheless. The baptism of Jesus set him on a new track. This week, take a little extra time to pray to the (sometimes overlooked) Holy Spirit: “Come, Holy Spirit, and renew the face of the earth.” Then be ready for whatever comes! To what path is the Lord calling you in this New Year?
Living and Praying with the Word
Holy Spirit, you are often so quiet. You make little noises in our lives. In Jesus’ day, the people were on tiptoe with expectation as they waited for the Messiah that John promised. Help us to be on tiptoe with expectation for you as well. We have no control over when you come. But ready us for your gush! Come, Holy Spirit, come, with your transforming power! We are watching for you.