Work for Everyone, Guaranteed
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 14:21–27 / Psalm 145:1 / Revelation 21: 1–5a / John 13: 31–33a, 34–35
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
We go from Acts’ record of the early days of the church to a vision of the final coming of God’s kingdom. In Acts, those first days were a time of building up and strengthening the community. Paul and Barnabas moved from town to town: Elytra, Conium, Antioch, Epicedia, Pamphylia, Pergo, and Attala. Their work was preaching to convert, lifting the spirits of believers and encouraging their perseverance, and appointing local leaders.
Revelation offers an idealized vision of how the work begun then will turn out: a new heaven and earth, a holy city where God will dwell with the human race and will wipe away all tears caused by death and pain. Of particular interest is the phrase “the sea was no more,” the sea being a symbol of chaos and destructive powers.
How will this come about? How will this activity be sustained through persecution, sin, and human weakness? The Gospel holds the key—by living the new commandment Jesus gave to his disciples: “Love one another as I have loved you.” In this way, Christ continues to be glorified and God glorified in him.
The names of the cities may have changed. Now the work continues in Arlington, Baltimore, Newton, Flossmoor, Arroyo Grande, San Jose, among others. But whether cities or towns, a new creation will only result if a community of believers, under dedicated leadership, perseveres in loving as Christ loved. When this happens, the seeds of Resurrection life are certain to bear fruit.
- Have you accepted your job assignment?
- Could God be calling you to move on to “a different city,” some new place to love as Christ loved?
Responding to the Word
Your commandment to love as you loved us, Lord Jesus, with a willingness to give generously, not counting the cost, is frightening to most of us most of the time. Give us your companionship, which we surely need, and increase our hope in the fulfillment you have promised. We place our trust in you.