Replacing Judas
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Acts 1:15–17, 20a, 20c–26 / Psalm 103:19a / 1 John 4:11–16 / John 17:11b–19
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
My friend the storyteller Bob Wilhelm shared an “artful” variation on the story of the choice of Matthias. Both Matthias and Barsabbas were artists, so St. Peter decided on a contest. He divided the upper room where the community gathered for worship with a curtain, giving half to each man to decorate as he saw fit. The community would declare the winner and Judas’ successor.
Barsabbas, a painter, sent for his brushes and a rich assortment of paints. All week long he painted lovely scenes of Jesus preaching, teaching, healing, casting out demons. His brush captured the parables, illuminating them. Matthias, a stonecutter and polisher, also toiled all week behind his curtain. People could hear only his humming and soft singing.
The day came and the people entered Barsabbas’ half of the church. They broke into applause at his artistry. The uses of color were magnificent. They found themselves depicted in his paintings. They were delighted. Peter became worried. How could Matthias’ work possibly compete with this? But he went over to the curtain and turned it back.
Silence filled the room as people turned to see what Matthias had done. His work had been to polish the stone walls of the chapel’s other half, allowing people to see themselves as never before. The walls shone like mirrors and every person was given a sense of the beauty of Christ shining within them, a glimpse of the divine spark each one carried within. And so Matthias was chosen to replace Judas. He had revealed Christ by revealing Christ’s followers to themselves.
- Have you ever left a decision in God’s hands?
- Do you believe that God has placed a divine spark within you?
Responding to the Word
Loving God, you have made us in your image and placed your truth within our hearts that we might know, love, and serve you. Consecrate us further with the truth of the gospel and direct our feet in the way you wish us to walk. Let us live in your joy.