Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

I remember hearing about a little boy coming home from church and being  asked what the preacher had spoken about. The church used the King James  Version of the scriptures and the preacher had spent some time on the reading  from Isaiah we heard today. But that translation began: “Comfort ye, comfort ye,  my people, saith your God.” In response to his parents’ inquiry, the child said, “It  was just lovely. The priest told us how God is saying, ‘Come to tea, come to tea,  my people.’ ” 

While Isaiah’s message today is certainly comforting, with God telling the  prophet to speak tenderly and tell an exiled people that all is forgiven, that the  punishment for sin has run its course, these words are not the equivalent of an  invitation to a relaxing cup of tea. Now as then, they serve as an invitation to get  to work, to remove any obstacle that prevents God from coming into our hearts.  This means that we have to get our hearts into shape, and our voices have to  become willing to announce that God lives and comes with power to save. 

John the Baptist remains a model for us today. He spoke out boldly, calling  people to prepare a way for the Lord, which was a call to conversion and inner  transformation. We are to take in this same message, first as listeners, then as  heralds ourselves, witnessing to family, friends, and any who will listen that Jesus  desires to come more fully into our lives.


  • Do you accept God’s commission to work at preparing a way for the  Lord? 
  • What does it mean today to be a herald, a proclaimer of the gospel? 

Responding to the Word

Loving God, you come to us with compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, but at  times we set up barriers that prevent your entry into our hearts. Teach us how  to prepare a way for you so you have access into our lives. May Jesus, who is the  way, show us the way. Amen.

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