Seeds of Hope
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ezekiel 17:22–24 / Psalm 92:2a / 2 Corinthians 5:6–10 / Mark 4:26–34
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
I watch most of the children in my three brothers’ families growing into what is called “emerging adulthood.” It must be very difficult at times for parents, only being able to watch, hope, and pray as their children start to move away from home and begin to make their own way into the world. Will they be safe, make the right choices, be happy?
Making use of images from nature, scripture reminds us that God gives the growth, whether it is to mighty cedars springing from small shoots, ripened grain sprouting from the blade, or a fully grown mustard plant emerging from the tiniest of seeds to offer its large branches as housing for the birds.
Such poetic language calls us to reflect on the mystery of the kingdom of God, whose seeds were found in the various covenants extended to Noah, Abraham, Moses, and David, and then fully enfleshed in Jesus so many millennia ago. This kingdom continues to sprout in our day, often where least expected.
Sometimes it breaks through like a mighty cedar, but more often it is a quieter blossoming, suddenly emerging like stalks of grain, or the first signs of life carried in a mother’s body. I am sure God has worried for all the children of every age who have filled the earth. The kingdom of life won by Christ continues to have the power to carry all God’s sons and daughters into the loving arms of the God Jesus taught us to call Father.
- What do you see around you that speaks of the mystery of growth? What encourages or discourages growth?
- What is God presently calling to grow to fullness in your own life? In the life of your parish community? In our world?
Responding to the Word
God of all life, we thank you for the many ways life continues to flourish in our world and in our land. Bless the life you have entrusted to our care. Guide us in raising it to harvest. Remove any obstacles we place in its way. We ask this in Jesus’ name.