Seek Wisdom
Twenty-Eight Sunday in Ordinary Time
Wisdom 7:7–11 / Psalm 90:14 / Hebrews 4:12–13 / Mark 10:17–30 or 10:17–27
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
The wisdom prayed for in the first reading is a gift from God. Perhaps the first question that confronts us today is whether we consider wisdom worth our energy and effort, or whether we are busy pursuing what are considered more “practical” objectives. Consider, however, that the wisdom of God has been described as knowledge of how to do things—in Solomon’s case, ruling wisely.
Scripture also connects the pursuit of wisdom with the pursuit of eternal life that the man is seeking in the Gospel. He has come to recognize that eternal life is the supreme value, and he wants to know what he must do to inherit it. Again, wisdom as doing. When Jesus points him toward keeping the commandments, he quickly responds that he’s been doing this “from my youth.”
He wins Jesus’ heart with this response, so Jesus invites him to join his disciples, to be part of a new family, leaving behind his property, possessions, and all that binds him to the past. All too much! He walks away sad. “Who can be saved?” asks Peter. “Impossible for humans, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” Which brings us back to prayer. Ask for wisdom, the ability to do what is necessary, and more will be given than you can imagine.
God’s word is spoken of as living and effective, a two-edged sword that penetrates our heart, enables discernment, brings light, leads to right action. What does God’s word illuminate today?
- What do you seek? What do you ask for in prayer? Wisdom? Eternal life? Or . . . ?
- Do you trust Jesus’ promise that one who chooses to be part of his family will receive a hundred times more even now?
Responding to the Word
God of wisdom and life, “teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain wisdom of heart.” Send us your Spirit of wisdom and understanding that we may know the difference between what the world holds up as riches and what is of true value in your sight.