The Erupting Spirit
Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1–11 / Psalm 104:30 / 1 Corinthians 12:3b–7, 12–13 / John 20:19–23
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
She whispered under her breath, “Lord, have mercy.” The others in the room echoed, “Lord, have mercy.” It was not a church but a hospital room. Gospel music was playing softly on the player on the windowsill. She smiled, “Lord, have mercy God almighty, I am coming home!” Words of faith—the Spirit of God overflowed within her and her joy erupted into words.
The feast of Pentecost is the day to celebrate the gift of speech! Some of us speak for a living. Preachers preach often in the Easter season. Teachers talk the whole school year through. Sometimes we may wonder, where does the power come from to speak effectively? And do words make any difference in this world that is already so full of words?
The experience of the Spirit in the second chapter of Acts came to seemingly dried-up and disheartened disciples. The Spirit rushed upon them like a mighty wind! Out of their emptiness, Acts tells us, three thousand people were converted and the church was born. At that moment, Christian preaching was also born. What if Peter had not spoken? What if he had remained silent? The Spirit so filled him that he had to speak. He had to speak. His joy bubbled up into words, telling the glorious story of Jesus’ resurrection. Human speech matters more than we can ever imagine.
Our words matter, too. On this holy day of empowering, do we hunger for those we love to meet the living God? If so, what words do we speak? We have to discern our words carefully. But joy bubbling into words of faith, even when they are hesitant, can have an effect. For if those we love have not heard, how are they going to believe? Come, Holy Spirit, fill the words of your faithful!
- Jesus breathed on his future preachers and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” This tender waft of Jesus’ air became the mighty wind of Pentecost. Who has breathed on you words that have transformed your life?
- Faith is caught as much as it is taught. Yet words are necessary. We have to speak. Where do you struggle with speaking—talk too little? too much? too unthinkingly? too carefully? Spend a little time in prayer, discerning where your words may have hurt and how very much your words of love matter. What do you need to do to become a more Holy Spirit–inspired speaker?
Living and Praying with the Word
On this holy day of days, Holy Spirit, erupt within us. Send tongues of fire upon us so that we are aflame with your joy. We cannot fulfill our mission on our own strength. You are the Delight of delights, the Wonder of wonders. We are thrilled to exult in you. You are Holy Wisdom; fill us this day so that your inspired words radiate out through us into a world hungry for your glory.