Understanding the Word

By Br. John R. Barker, OFM

Traditional biblical wisdom holds that order and stability promote human flourishing. Here the focus is on family roles and what is due to each member of the household: Duty toward parents is a common Wisdom trope, appearing often in Proverbs. Sirach reflects in particular on the challenge of dealing with an elderly parent, and closely binds duty toward God with honoring parents. It is God who set the father and mother over the family; honoring one’s parents brings favor from God. At the same time, the language of comfort,  consideration, and kindness points to a sense that caring for one’s parents is ultimately grounded in basic human decency as much as the hope of divine reward. 

The emphasis in the second reading is on decent behavior toward all, which reflects one’s experience of having been transformed by Christ. Precisely as “God’s chosen ones,” who have put away  “earthly” vices (Colossians 3:5–10) and been transformed in Christ,  Christians should behave in a manner that reflects the character of  God, who is compassionate, patient, forgiving, and loving. Marked by these traits, those gathered around Christ support each other,  learning together from him and strengthening each other through admonishment, common worship, and especially gratitude. In the final section the writer exhorts his listeners to honor the family order as ordained by God. Christian family life also is to be marked by mutual care, without bitterness, provocation, or discouragement. 

In the Gospel reading, Joseph fulfills his duty as protector of God’s Son and his mother. Jesus’ vulnerability is highlighted by six  references to him as “child.” Prompted three times, Joseph responds with quick obedience. Not only does Joseph lead mother and child away from danger, his actions also allow for the fulfillment of prophecy. The more significant of these is the first, from Hosea  (11:1), which refers to the redemption of Israel, God’s son (Exodus  4:22), from Egypt. It is applied now to Jesus, God’s Son, as exemplar and perfect representative of Israel. 

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