The Faces of Holiness
All Saints
Revelation 7:2–4, 9–14 / Psalm 24:6 / 1 John 3:1–3 / Matthew 5:1–12a
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
In an interview, the Dalai Lama talked about the importance of recognizing one quality that all the world religions share as a common value—the virtue of compassion. This virtue is held up for imitation by all the major religious tradi tions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. It helps us to view each other with respect and appreciation.
Today’s feast invites us to think about all the holy men and women who have opened their lives to God’s grace and have embodied compassion in the world over the centuries. From the early days of the church the names of the martyrs were mentioned during Eucharist. Today we can remember all the holy ones who have touched our lives—men and women, family and friends, canonized and uncanonized saints over the centuries.
The last book of the Bible, Revelation, written at a time of persecution, offers us a symbolic vision of the end time when a multitude from every nation, race, people, and tongue will be gathered together. These are the ones who have been sealed as true servants of God and will sing an eternal song of salvation. We hope to be part of that jubilant chorus.
In the meantime, we are surrounded by this great cloud of witnesses who urge us on to complete our task of living as beloved children of God, to live out the plan of the kingdom Jesus preached in the Beatitudes, and to be a presence in the world of God’s Spirit.
- Who are some of the saints who have touched your life over the years? • Are there any “living saints” in your life now?
- Which of the Beatitudes best speaks to you as a way to holiness at this time?
Responding to the Word
We may give thanks to God for the call to holiness we have heard in our own hearts and include the names of those who have shown us what it means to be holy. Ask the saints to continue to intercede for us so that we will be faithful in our efforts to bring about the kingdom of heaven.