Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
My name is Samuel, after the great prophet who anointed our first kings, Saul and David. I used to think my parents showed their sense of humor by naming their blind son after Samuel the seer. But even he didn’t always see clearly.
When Samuel went to Jesse’s house that day, he thought for sure God wanted him to anoint the eldest, Eliab, tall and handsome, just like Saul had been. But God brought him up short: “No, no, no—not him!” Ended up being the youngest out in the fields tending sheep. A case of the see-er not seeing. Easy to get blinded by appearances, I could not see Jesus, so I couldn’t be blinded by his appearance, or unimpressed if he wasn’t that remarkable to look at. But I could tell he had God’s power in him. And a fire. After smearing mud on my eyes, he told me to wash in the pool of Siloam. I did. And I saw.
Then the trouble started. My neighbors started arguing, then the Pharisees got into it, and they got my poor parents. Well, I told them he was from God. That’s when they threw me out. And suddenly I hear someone say, “Do I believe in the Son of Man?” Without any hesitation, I said: “I do believe, Lord.” He said he came into the world so the blind might see and those who saw might be blind.
- Why would Jesus say he came into the world so that those who do see might become blind?
- What kind of seeing does Jesus bring about?
Responding to the Word
Jesus, you are the light come into the world. Sometimes I feel lost in the dark, not sure where I am and which way to go. Enlighten my mind so I may understand more fully the direction you wish me to go in my life. Help me to see so I can serve you.