Understanding the Word

By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.

Two promises are made to Abram: a multitude of descendants, and a vast expanse of land to be given to those descendants. Abram’s response of faith is credited to him as righteousness. The passage also contains a divine self-identification similar to the one that introduces the Decalogue. The ritual known as “cutting the covenant” is performed. It is a dramatized curse in which the covenant partners promise that if either partner transgresses the prescriptions of the covenant, the other can inflict the fate of the animals on the violator. The harshness of the penalty signals the seriousness of this covenant-making. 

In his exhortation to the Philippians, Paul compares the fate of the true believers with that of opponents of the gospel. It is not clear who these opponents were. Perhaps they were Gnostics (who believed they’d been given a “special knowledge”)—Christians who believed that they had already passed into a spiritualized form of existence and could live in this world unscathed by its temptations. True believers, on the other hand, were really aliens in this earthly place.  Their citizenship was in heaven. Unlike the enemies of the cross, they knew that they would have to embrace that cross, and then, with Christ’s coming, they would be transformed into his glory. 

At the time of his transfiguration Jesus is joined by Moses and Elijah, who represent Israel’s law and the prophets. The exodus of which they speak is Jesus’  death, resurrection, and ascension, all of the important events in God’s plan of salvation. This discussion indicated that Jesus’ death was not a tragic mistake, something that he was unable to avoid. Rather, those who represented the entire religious tradition of Israel knew it beforehand. The voice from heaven not only authenticates who Jesus is, but also instructs the disciples to listen to his words,  regardless of how challenging or perplexing they might be. It will take the actual unfolding of the events of Jesus’ exodus for them to understand its meaning. 

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