The King
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Daniel 7:13–14 / Psalm 93:1a / Revelation 1:5–8 / John 18:33b–37
Reflecting on the Word
By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger
It was thirty years ago. I was strong and quick. That’s why they chose me to guard Pilate. No one would harm the proconsul on my watch. Some write that the governor was alone with Jesus. Pilate was never alone with a prisoner. I stood in the back at attention. I was there. I heard. I saw.
“Are you the King of the Jews?” Pilate asked.
The rebel was strong. He carried his shoulders as one accustomed to lifting heavy burdens, to working with his hands. I watched those hands; they could do damage to Pilate’s throat if he chose. But I would kill him first.
“Your own nation has handed you over. What have you done?” Pilate was relaxed. He had spent many years judging men all over Judea. This man was not important. But the chief priests had asked that he be tried for sedition, for inciting people to rebel against Rome.
To Pilate, here was another small man pretending that he was somebody big.
“My kingdom does not belong to this world. My kingdom is not here,” the prisoner said.
Pilate was taken by surprise. “Then you are a king!” He looked past the man and glanced up at me.
The prisoner turned to look me in the eye. “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.”
My heart burned. I could hardly breathe. “This is the King,” I knew in that moment. “This is my King.”
Ever since that day, I have told the story of Jesus’s encounter with Pilate. So today, my Emperor Nero, I will not change my statement. Your lions can tear me apart. You can slay me with the sword. I will serve no king but the King, ruler of the kings of the earth. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. I will serve no other.
- The “unknown soldier” in this story was willing to give his life for his King. What does it mean to you to give your life for your King?
- Looking back at the events of this liturgical year since the beginning of last Advent, in what ways have you seen the King of the Universe triumph? In what ways has it seemed that darkness and falsehood have prevailed? This day, we do what has to be done in spite of what the future may hold. How can we live today faithful to the King rather than dwell in fear?
Living and Praying with the Word
God of the living, you are our future. As we launch from this holy year to the next, we do not know what those days will bring, but you will be there. You will guide us. You will uphold us. We want to honor your kingship. We want to give our lives for you.
All you unknown martyrs of the faith, pray for us. We want to bear witness to Christ—the King—as you did. In courage and strength, we too will serve no other.