The King of Hearts
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Daniel 7:13–14 / Psalm 93:1a / Revelation 1:5–8 / John 18:33b–37
Reflecting on the Word
By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.
Both the Jesus who stood before Pilate on his way to a brutal death and the Jesus who will come as the firstborn of the dead and ruler of all can seem too far away to make much of an impression on our lives. But holding these two images together can speak a profound truth, offering our lives meaning and value.
In John’s Gospel Jesus is the revelation of the Father, the Word of God, communicating who God is and what God wants to do for us: to bring us eternal life. The image of Christ the king was one way of communicating that in Jesus, the Creator of all and everything began to reign in a way that “does not belong to this world.”
The use of power in our world has been an endless story of one individual, family, group, or country using its strength, wealth, and talents to hold sway over as many as possible. To do so, any and all means of force and violence were often legitimate. But this is not the way of Christ or those who follow him.
“For this was I born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth” (John 18:37). What truth? That God so loved the world that the Father gave his only Son, “so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life” (3:16). That’s the foundation of this kingdom and its use of power. That’s the plan. Do you want in?
- Do you think of yourself as one who “belongs to the truth” to which Jesus testifies?
- What are some ways you try to listen to his voice?
Responding to the Word
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you spoke and the world came into being. You spoke in the fullness of time and the Word became flesh. You continue to speak so all who listen may be born into your kin-dom through the power of your Holy Spirit. Help us to listen for and obey your voice.