The Lord Keeps Faith Forever

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

My dear young friend, I write this to you from the middle of the  2020 COVID-19 pandemic. Have you graduated now? Are you in  the first few weeks of medical school as you planned? When you  read this, hopefully the pandemic crisis has passed. 

Today, the sun comes up. The sun goes down. The birds sing. The  buds on the trees, as this is being written, swell in early springtime.  The garlic grows. Life goes on. 

While all around us changes. 

What can I say to you about today’s story of the healing of the  deaf man? Jesus groans at the restriction, the brokenness of this  earthly life. Then he shouts out, “Be opened!” as in “Make it flow!”  and power flows into that deaf man’s ears and he can hear. And the  Gentile crowds are amazed! 

I also want to see the broken healed. I want to be astonished  beyond measure, to be struck with a sudden “Wow!” faith—not a  blasé “Well, that’s kind of interesting” faith—shaken to the core by  what Jesus is doing. 

I want that kind of healing to flow right now. 

As I write, people are praying their rosaries in Italy, struggling to  breathe, dying alone. A student of mine lost both of her grandparents  in one day. A newly pregnant woman develops a sore throat and she  is afraid for her baby. Is everything going to be all right? Will we  recover? 

The people of Israel were beaten down. Isaiah prophesied: “Say to  those who are frightened: ‘Be strong, fear not! Your God is coming.’”  We are beaten down, too. We are hemmed in by earthly brokenness.  Jesus, send your power to flow into us! We want to be healed. 

Trust is not easy. We cannot manufacture conviction as a  psychological “strong feeling.” Come, God of Jacob, and let the  grace to trust flow into us.


  • The pandemic/economic breakdown revealed to us how much of life is not  under our control. This can be a source of anxiety. Anxiety can cause us to  turn to prayer, to turn to God. Anxiety can also cause us to turn away from  a God who doesn’t seem to be intervening, at least not in the amazing ways  that Jesus did when he cured the sick. As you went/got through the time of  the pandemic, how did/does your faith respond? What graces did God give  you? How are you different today? 
  • What happened to your pre-COVID plans? Has everything turned out the  way that you hoped that it would? If so, God be praised! If not, then God  be praised as well? How do we trust in God, no matter where life takes us? 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Lord, as we read the scriptures, we see people who have been  oppressed for centuries. Yet they still hold fast to you, believing that  you keep faith forever. On this day, give us the eyesight of centuries,  for this day is not looking so good. Show us what we can do today  for the world in which we live—whether to forgive and reconcile, to  aid those who are hurting, or pray for those who struggle alone. In  you we trust. Protect us from the blame and hate and finger-pointing  that cause division. Bless this world with a strong dose of your peace.

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