The Real Agenda—Forgiveness of Sins

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

When Jesus came preaching, teaching, healing, and exorcising, the response  was amazement and wonder. He was a “crowd magnet,” as we see in today’s  Gospel. When Jesus showed up, it was standing room only. What would be the  next miracle? So when the paralytic came down, there might even have been a  little “ho-hum” in the air. “Didn’t he do something along these lines that night  outside Simon’s mother-in-law’s house?” 

But healing the body and casting out demons were only the first steps in the  new creation God had in mind. The next step went to the heart of the matter— salvation. “Child, your sins are forgiven.” Alarms went off, at least in the heads of  some of the legal experts present. “Did he just say? . . . No, not possible . . . Only  God can . . . .” But Jesus, who really could hear people thinking, had no trouble  saying it again: “That you may know the Son of Man has the authority to forgive  sins on earth . . . ” then he turned to the paralytic: “Get up and go.” And the man  got up and went. 

All the other things Jesus had been doing were acceptable, except when he  did them on a Sabbath, for this was crossing a clearly defined line in the law of  Moses. Forgiving sin? Only God could do that. Yes, that was the point. And still is. So don’t let past actions—even God’s, much less yours—lock you in or keep  God out. God remains at work in Jesus offering forgiveness, reconciliation, atonement to all who realize they need it. 


  • How do you feel when you hear Jesus say, “Your sins are forgiven”?
  • Do you trust God to do new things? For you? In you? Through you?
  • Do you accept that God has put the Spirit in our hearts “as a first installment” of God’s desire for total communion? 

Responding to the Word

Creator God, in giving us Jesus, you began the final move of a new creation in  us and in the world. We thank you for offering through your Son the gift of forgiveness for our sins. May we accept this gift of grace and work to bring others to know  its healing power. Amen.

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