Scripture Study for
Ascension of The Lord
Acts 1:1–11 / Psalm 47:6 / Ephesians 1:17–23 / Matthew 28:16–20
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
According to Acts of the Apostles, Jesus remained on earth for forty days after his resurrection, appearing to his apostles and speaking about the reign of God. The activity of the Spirit is a characteristic of the new age, the time between the Resurrection and the time of complete fulfillment. The apostles’ misunderstanding of this presented an opportunity for Jesus to instruct them. He tells them to concern themselves with being his witnesses, and not to worry about the limited restoration of one nation. Furthermore, it is not for them to know when the end will occur. He assures them that they will have the power of the Spirit to guide them for whatever length of time God desires.
The second reading consists of a series of prayers. The first is a prayer for a spirit of wisdom and revelation so believers might possess insight and understanding. Another is for a threefold spiritual enlightenment that includes hope in the calling they have received from God, the riches of God’s inheritance, and the surpassing greatness of God’s power. The depiction of Christ is quite exalted. Having been raised from the dead, Christ now sits at God’s right hand, high above all other heavenly creatures. His rule is universal in scope and duration. Exalted by God, Christ is made the head of the church, which is his body.
The disciples see Jesus on the mountain and they worship him, reminiscent of his earlier transfiguration. Jesus declares that all power in heaven and on earth has been given to him, a reference to the Son of Man who was exalted by God and granted eschatological authority. Employing that power, he commissions them. The great missionary commission is straightforward and all-encompassing.
The disciples are told to go out and make disciples of all nations. Jesus inaugurates the reign of God, at the heart of which is a radically different way of life. This reign is to be the essence of the teaching of the disciples.