Understanding the Word

By Br. John R. Barker, OFM

To appreciate the general horror with which lepers were regarded,  one has to understand that their disease rendered them ritually  unclean. Most in ancient Israel recognized that lepers were not to  blame for their condition, but the fact remained that their presence  was a threat because contact with them would render one ritually  unclean as well. This ritual uncleanness made it impossible to  approach the tabernacle or any cultic site. The priests, as guardians  of the sacred spaces, were tasked with determining who or what was  ritually unclean or clean. Although social isolation and ostracism  were the accidental consequences of what was a purely practical  separation, they were the inevitable sad result, adding further pain  to the physical condition itself. 

Just previous to the present reading, Paul has been counseling  the Corinthians to use their Christian freedom responsibly, making  sure they do nothing to harm the consciences of others. Specifically,  Christians who eat meat sacrificed to idols with a clear conscience  should not insist on their “right” to do so if it causes scandal. Charity  overrules individual rights (10:23–30). No matter what we do, we  must do it for the glory of God. Christians have been “purchased at  a price” and now belong to the Lord: “Therefore glorify God with  your body” (6:20). Christians are at all times to imitate Christ, who  sought not his own benefit “but that of the many,” and so gave glory  to God. 

Already in last week’s Gospel we had indications of a peculiarity  of Mark’s Gospel: Jesus’ frequent warnings not to tell anyone about  him. Then, the demons were not permitted to speak. Now, the leper  is told to keep his mouth shut after he is healed. Scholars suggest the  secretiveness is because Jesus knows that the people will proclaim  him prematurely as the Messiah, and perhaps bring unwelcome  attention from the authorities. Whatever the reason for the warning,  the man ignores it completely, immediately telling everyone what  Jesus has done for him. The reign of God, now unleashed through  Christ, has too powerful an effect to remain hidden for long.

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