What Are You Eating?

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Rev. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R.

Israel’s complaining can sound childish to us. Did the people really think that  the God who brought them out of Egypt with such great signs and wonders was  going to let them die? But God responds graciously to their complaints with a  diet of manna in the morning and quail at suppertime. Scholars say the manna  (the word means “What-is-this?”) was an excretion of desert insects, a kind of  “bug juice.” Whatever it was, it came faithfully until Israel entered the Promised  Land. Israel had to learn to trust God and eat what was put before them. 

The Letter to the Ephesians speaks of “learning Christ,” learning the truth that  is in Jesus, indeed, that is Jesus. Learning Christ calls for a different way of living,  being made new “in the spirit of your minds,” and “putting on a new self.” We  are talking about a different perspective on life. To learn Christ is to accept him  as the one sent by the Father, the one who feeds our deepest hunger for the  wisdom that brings life to our world. It’s another way of eating what is set before  us.  

John’s Gospel calls us to absorb into our minds and hearts the wisdom of the  signs Jesus offers the people. While they focused on the surface event—Jesus  providing bread to eat—Jesus calls them to “work for the food that endures for  eternal life.” Jesus is that food. Jesus, who embodies God’s wisdom, is the bread  come down from heaven. Are we eating what he sets before us? 


  • Do you give much thought to what you are feeding your mind? Your spirit? 
  • What is the wisdom that Jesus brings to our lives? 

Reflecting on the Word

Jesus, you are the bread that comes from heaven to give life to our world. You  invite us to eat at the table of your wisdom, that we might grow into the maturity  that marks us as true children of the Father, healthy in mind, heart, and spirit.  We thank you.

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