Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

What does it mean to you, on this day, to hear Jesus say to sell all  that you have for the kingdom of heaven? Does it might mean that  you empty your bank account, give your resources to the poor, and  go become a missionary in a far-off place? Does it mean that you once  more offer breakfast (kindly) to an unappreciative teenager when  every bone in your body wants to do otherwise? Does it might mean  that you put all your cans of green beans and crushed pineapple into  a box and drive down to the St. Vincent DePaul Center and leave it  on their doorstep before they open? 

Not as a pious platitude, but in a concrete-and-practical-everyday sort-of-way, what does “sell all you have for the kingdom of heaven”  actually mean? I am guessing, since you are reading this reflection on  a hot day at the end of July (when you could be doing so many other  things), that this is a question that matters to you. 

For that’s what it boils down to, doesn’t it: What matters? Jesus  calls us to be single-minded about what matters. If you find a  treasure in a field, buy the field; if you find a pearl of great price, buy  the pearl. Distractions swirl around us; clutter kills clarity. Focus  clarifies. Single-mindedness simplifies. Figure out what matters.  Solomon asked God for a listening heart so that he could discern  carefully. We ask for that, too. Before we even get out of bed in the  morning, we pray, “Lord, make it clear what matters today.” Then  in the power of the Holy Spirit, when you discover today’s treasure,  with unstinting resolve, go for it! Lay down your life, in matters  great and small. Passionately. Totally. For the glory of God.


  • The morning offering is a prayer in which we give God our upcoming day  so that we are conformed into the image of Christ. What most richly brings  about our daily transformation? 
  • Where is the clutter? Look at time, thoughts, emotions, activities,  possessions, relationships. What can you clean today? 

Living and Praying with the Word 

Holy Spirit, come and rule the ordinary days of our lives. Give  us the grace of discernment to see what really matters. We want to  follow where you guide us. Transform our clutter into focus. We  don’t always see clearly, but in our heart of hearts, we want to follow  you wholeheartedly. Wonderful are your ways! Show us. Lead us.  Transform us to be the people you want us to be.

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