What’s Your Viewpoint?

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Reflecting on the Word

By Dr. Karla J. Bellinger

I have a seminarian friend from southern Texas. We were walking  together across the Notre Dame campus for midday Mass on a cold  winter day. As we turned the corner, I headed toward the sidewalk in  the sun. He walked toward the sidewalk in the shade. We laughed.  That sparked a rich conversation. Being from Michigan, for me the  sun is always a friend. I can never get enough sunshine. Growing up  in Texas, for him the sun is intolerably hot. He instinctively seeks  shade. The sun: friend or foe? 

Our God: accessible or inaccessible? The Israelites in Deuteronomy  found the voice of the great I AM to be too bright; they asked not to  see that fire again lest they die. The unclean spirit in today’s Gospel  shrieked in terror at the presence of Jesus. He was all too aware of  the radiance of God present in their midst. 

We believe that God speaks always and everywhere. But is the  Almighty One unbearably hot and out of reach? Infinitely yes. The  One who created the universe is far beyond our capacity to bear. 

God promised to send a prophet from among the Israelites’  own to do the talking, someone not so dazzling, someone easier to  hear. Jesus of Nazareth came to the synagogue to proclaim that the  kingdom of God is here, that God is near. And the people listened to  him. This prophet seemed trustworthy: he was one like them. 

Can we walk in the light of Jesus? Intimately, yes. The One who  created the universe has become one like us. 

Is our God like the brilliant sun to make us seek the shade? Is our  God like a friendly sun to encourage us to walk in the light? Yes and  yes. Hallelujah! 


  • How might our experience of the sun affect our perception of God? Talk  to someone from another climate and discuss that question with him/her. 
  • A core marketing principle is that people listen most carefully to people  who are like them. That sense of kinship is why folks pay attention to  witnesses. In what way can you witness both to the infinity and intimacy  of God to someone who is similar to you?

Living and Praying with the Word 

Divine Majesty, you are grander than we could ever imagine. We  shrink from your voice; we are not worthy to be in your Presence.  We bow in worship, for you are the great I AM. Let us not take your  splendor blithely, indifferently. Yet you have become one like us. We  can turn to you. You want to be near us. Please, come sit with us.  Warm our hearts. Let us be close to you.

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