Scripture Study for
Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Deuteronomy 11:18, 26–28, 32 / Psalm 31:3b / Romans 3: 21–25, 28 / Matthew 7:21–27
Understanding the Word
By Dianne Bergant, C.S.A.
Today Moses directs the people to commit themselves totally to God. The blessings promised for fidelity include numerous progeny and a good name, abundant crops and a multitude of flocks, peace and security from enemies. Curses include childlessness and premature death, family illness and diseased flocks, pestilence and drought, defeat by another nation and devastation of the land. The words Moses delivers are to be bound on their wrists and displayed as a pendant on their foreheads. This custom identified them as observant members of the covenant community and reminded them of their responsibility to commit themselves mind and heart to the covenant.
Contrary to what some have contended, Paul does not pit righteousness against the law. He insists that the Romans must conform to certain Christian principles. Nonetheless, he argues that adherence to the law does not produce righteousness. Only faith yields righteousness. According to Paul, all have sinned, and so all are in need of redemption. However, redemption and justification are received, not earned, and they are received precisely while one is a sinner. Furthermore, justification is given gratuitously, freely, without cause. God accomplishes this through the blood of Christ. Thus, by its very name, grace is an undeserved gift.
Jesus teaches that the disciples’ service must be grounded in solid commitment to him. Not signs of respect, forms of religiosity, or spectacular deeds, but adherence to his words is essential for entrance into the reign of heaven. Discipleship requires a life of righteousness, not merely charismatic activities. In order to illustrate this point, Jesus contrasts the way of the wise with the way of the foolish. The wise build the house on the solid ground of Jesus’ words, while the fool’s house is constructed on sand. The implications of Jesus’ words are quite clear. In order to be his disciples, people must follow Jesus’ instructions carefully and faithfully. Those who do will be invited into the reign of God. Those who do not will be denied entry.