Living the Word
Explore our Lectionary Resources, created to help preaching and homilies flourish.
Advent Is Calling!
First Sunday of Advent
Advent is a season that makes demands on our attentiveness. It is a time for us to pay attention to the ways in which the Divine beckons us.
The Status Un-quo
Second Sunday of Advent
John the Baptist is surely among scripture’s most challenging prophetic figures. To this day he points us to Christ and away from the world’s distractions.
Small Beginnings
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
It is a consistent theme in scripture: God uses the smallest of beginnings to fashion the future. Advent calls us to see those small beginnings in our own lives.
A No Can Open Up to a Yes from God
Third Sunday of Advent
There are times in human lives that a single, simple yes or no is all that is needed to clear the way for God’s great design.
Nothing Is Impossible for God!
Fourth Sunday of Advent
As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, we can take a close look at his humble beginnings. How many aspects of it would have seemed impossible, yet they were not!