It is Christmas Day! The long night of Mary’s labor is over. The holy night when the angels sang has turned to day. The sun has risen. Jesus is here! Red and wrinkled, the baby rests in Mary’s arms. Joseph gazes at the boy’s little fingernails as Mary sleeps. Even the cave where the animals are stabled begins to brighten and warm. Time stands still. The everlasting Word has become flesh and dwells among us. He is here. He is now.
What happens when a newborn arrives? The hours after birth, if not interrupted by emergencies, are a time to gaze. A first-time mother can’t quite believe that her enormous belly is now that tiny child; two eyes, that nose, and “look at his hair!” A father gets shaky inside at how protective he feels when he looks at this little one. Someone exclaims, “Oh, look, he’s got the family chin!” Words feel trivial, unable to capture the amazement. Time stands still.
And then something happens. Time begins anew. Inside of each of these “watchers,” a miracle rises up. Little by little, those who look upon the helpless creature are changed by their gazing. They begin to fall in love. Warmth spreads in the chest. Tears of joy run down the cheeks. Wonder overwhelms the mind. This child is here. This child is now. Can you feel it?
Christmas Day is a moment for gazing. Christmas Day is a time to look at Baby Jesus, the Word who became flesh and who dwells among us. In the manger, in the Eucharist, in moments of prayer, in the bond of family and friends, in service to the community: Look! Jesus is here! Let the tears of joy run down your cheeks. Jesus is here!
- The experience of today’s Christmas may be joyous. Or it may be difficult. How is God with you on this day? How is the Word taking flesh and dwelling with you today?
- Think back to your most tender, most loving Christmas. What comes to mind? What was it that warmed your heart? How can that memory transform your experience today?
Living and Praying with the Word
Emmanuel, God who is with us, sometimes there is nothing to say. Today is your Christmas. Allow me to have some quiet time just to gaze at you, the newborn in the manger, the Word become flesh. Holy Spirit, come and fill the quiet of my gaze with the strength of your love. You may warm my heart. You may overwhelm my brain. You may send tears of joy down my cheeks. Give me the grace just to sit here and gaze at you with love.