We return once again to Bethlehem, accompanying the shepherds, to see the One announced by the angel as the Savior of the world. With them, we stand before the mother and contemplate the child wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger because there was no room in the inn. We are told that “Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).
Mary invites us to ponder in our hearts the mystery of her Son Jesus, truly God and truly human. He came for us and for our salvation, and so we ask him to banish any darkness from our hearts and to send us out to bring his light into the world.
The light that Christ brings is the blessing of God’s peace, all that makes life full, and transforms the world into a place that cherishes and preserves, rather than neglecting and destroying life. Christ’s gift of blessing is to let us know the Father and the Father’s plan: that all be one, united as family, able to recognize in each other the dignity of God’s adopted children, alive with the life of grace, destined to share in divinity.
Christ’s blessing calls us to grow into maturity, keeping God’s law of love, just as Jesus himself grew up, living a life that brought the law to its fulfillment. We don’t do this on our own, as the name given to the child reminds us: Jesus, which means “God saves.”
- What blessing do you ask from God for the coming year, for yourself, for your loved ones, for your country, for the world?
- Jesus came to save, to bring God’s salvation. What do you need to be saved from?
Responding to the Word
We pray that God will bless us with peace, with fullness of life, by drawing us ever more deeply into the life of the Trinity. We ask that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and transform us more completely into people the world can recognize as adopted children of God.